Thursday, May 16, 2024


What is  adsterra- is a global ad network  that means  its an advertising network  where you can buy or sell traffic ,to this network if you have it so you can launch a campaign  or monetize your traffic 

Adsterrs has been working with many different coast models but the main are:


CPC it is almost the same but CPM  cost per millennium that means   cost  per one thousand  of clicks ,one thousand of views eg if  if we are talking  about push notification that means clicks on push notification,so if you have to understand  that if you make  one thousand  of  push  notifications there probably will not  be one thousand of clicks on these notification ,Maybe  there will be around  one hundred clicks  on them only, here are  all high converting  ads  format  they have been working with , the main is popunders.

Social bar it is something like a push  notification you may see who have push notifications

Native ads it is something like banners or banners with short description of its pre_roll video  with the west paid text  so if you have a website  with videos you may use their text and they will pay you  for every role  shown  in your videos before it and standard banner with  a new tab  opening when you click on  it  they say  that they have a lot of  advantages like super high security and self server platform 

First we need to sign up you will have  to decide if you are a advertiser or if you want to be a publisherif you want to sell your traffic to this company

What do they offer as publishers-so it means for people who have their own traffic .When you sign up you need  your  name you have to  insert your ID 

You can use  skype,ICQ, jabber , telegram, facebook, whatsapp,we chat, anything  you prefer

Pay system you can use  pay pal, wire transfer pack ,web money,bitcoin and you have to point your website, that you will send traffic  from, then complete registration

Then they will send you  a verification link to your email, go to your email  and click the verification code

So  we have learnt about adsterra and how you can earn money from adsterra 

In conclusion adsterra is a monitizer and advertiser.

 It also utilizes and effective combination of innovation

It is also reliable third party fraud detection system

You can also earn by clicks and  views

For adsterra you can monetize your website both wordpress site or blogger. in wordpress all you need is to install ad inserter plugin the also have an adsterra account which will enable you to apply for ads.

There are so many ads you can have in your site: some of the ads are like banner ads, native ads and side ads

In blogger, you can install adsterra ads using Javascript or htlm code.

CPC it is almost the same but CPM  cost per millennium that meast   cost  per one thousand  of clicks ,one thousand of views eg if  if we are talking  about push notification that means clicks on push notification,so if you have to understand  that if you make  one thousand  of  push  notifications there probably will not  be one thousand of clicks on these notification ,Maybe  there will be around  one hundred clicks  on them only, here are  all high converting  ads  format  they have been working with , the main is popunders.

Social bar it is something like a push  notification you may see who have push notifications

Native ads it is something like banners or banners with short description of its pre_roll video  with the west paid text  so if you have a website  with videos you may use their text and they will pay you  for every role  shown  in your videos before it and standard bannerswith  a new tab  opening when you click on  it  they say  that they have a lot of  advantages like super high security and self server platform 

First we need to sign up you will have  to decide if you are a advertiser or if you want to be a publisherif you want to sell your traffic to this company

What do they offer as publishers-so it means for people who have their own traffic .When you sign up you need  your  name you have to  insert your ID 

You can use  skype,ICQ, jabber , telegram, facebook, whatsapp,we chat, anything  you prefer

Pay system you can use  pay pal, wire transfer pack ,web money,bitcoin and you have to point your website, that you will send traffic  from, then complete registration

Then they will send you  a verification link to your email, go to your email  and click the verification code

In conclusion adsterra is a monitizer and advertiser.

 It also utilizes and effective combination of innovation

It is also reliable third party fraud detection system

You can also earn by clicks and  views since adsterra earns by both clicks and impression and this its depend where impression and clicks comes from.



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